Forget your designer gear, Beyonce is covered in glitter…from head to toe.

The 31-year-old superstar graces the cover of Flaunt magazine’s Context Issue where she flaunts those famous curves she is known for.

In the Tony Duran shoot, Beyonce also sits down for an interview, where she discusses her Pepsi deal, being a “gay icon,” the piece of clothing she’d be lost without and gluten.

Some were critical at your participating in a Pepsi campaign after you moved your body for childhood obesity. Where is the balance between your career objectives and your philanthropy?
Pepsi is a brand I’ve grown up seeing my heroes collaborate with. The company respects musicians and artistry. I wouldn’t encourage any person, especially a child, to live life without balance.
When you work out, take care of your body, rehearse as hard as I rehearsed in the commercial, I think it’s great to have a Pepsi or Diet Pepsi when you want one. It’s all about choices.

Gay men are drawn to you and empowered by you, as they have been to “gay icons” Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, Cher, and Madonna. What is it about you, and those women, that gay men love?
I’m flattered if I’m in the company of those great women. I think they love that we are bold, unafraid to love, and flaunt our sexuality and strength.

One piece of clothing you own that you absolutely couldn’t live without?
A white T-shirt.

What’s up with gluten anyway?
I’m okay with gluten. Sunday pizza is a must for me!

Read the rest of the interview here: http://flaunt.com/beyonce/

-Chika Dunu

