Bill gates, Gates Foundation, Steve Jobs, Melinda Gates, Washington, Seattle, Weed, marijuana

Bill Gates makes so much money that if he dropped a hundred dollar bill, it would cost him more to pick it up than to leave it where it lays…or so the legend goes. What is definitely true is that Microsoft’s founder easily ranks among the wealthiest people alive, and at the same time one of the most philanthropic individuals to ever walk the planet. While his money making or tech skills have been most noted, recently his public and social advocacy have taken center stage.

He has a keen interest in public health and well being, which makes his latest  interview particularly interesting.  Being from Washington State, he has quickly become one of the most important and noticeable son of the North West. In his interview with Buzzfeedhe remarked on his home states newest initiative: the legalization of Marijuana. He had a surprisingly positive stance on the situation stating:

“It’s an experiment, and it’s probably good to have a couple states try it out to see before you make that national policy”

Continuing to note the positives, he explained that traffickers “are going to make a lot less money, and some of the perverse things about the illegal drug trade will be avoided.”

However, he does have a few concerns about the entire situation and some questions that need to be asked.

“Can they keep it out of minors’ hands? Will it reduce alcohol consumption? Are there some people who use it at levels you might think of as inappropriate? Will drug gangs make less money?”

Gates did admit that he had smoke weed and taken LSD in the 1990′s, but he never discussed his own use in the recent interview. Its interesting to see such an influential member of our society, support a law that many feel will create more deviants. Hopefully he is right, but only time will tell.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)