Twerking has swept the nation ever since Miley Cyrus has started embracing the already urban culture dance move. Known as the stripper dance Miley Cyrus had middle America in shock once she did the dance at the 2013 VMAs.
ABC News posted an article about the science behind Twerking.
“Twerking is a combination movement involving a deep squat and a pelvic tilt” Michelle Olson, a professor of exercise science and a certified strength and conditioning coach at Auburn University in Montgomery, Ala., explained.
So Black Twitter picked up on the hashtag and wrote their own little spin for the #ABCReport news. Here are the top explosive tweets from Black Twitter
"@jladrae: Female black doctors strike stating they don't want no scrubs. Hospital officials revising dress code. More at 11. #ABCReports"—
fariey (@oddlyawkward) August 28, 2013
" #ABCReports How is ASAP Rocky handling rapping & being a single mom?" <
Scottie Piffen ™ (@TCPB_ErNLaFlare) August 27, 2013
Lmaoooo RT @taliacadet: Bonita Applebaum says she's no longer putting people on, wants to focus on career and family. #ABCReports—
M@ri (@Supachicm2b) August 28, 2013
"If she a cutie pie I'll eat ya" Cannibalism in the black community? Is the struggle that real? Details at 7 #ABCReports—
JaY Vee (@InViNCEible100) August 28, 2013
Sharks, Jellfish & Fresh Hairdoes: The reasons why black ppl. stay out of the water. Tonight @ 11. #ABCReports—
TRAPP STARR (@KING_O_KINGS812) August 28, 2013
"I'll Knock You Into Next Week" have black mothers invented time travel? Details at 11. #ABCReports—
Apollo, Tha God (@ApolloThaGod) August 28, 2013
"Just what HAS Yeezy taught you?" #ABCReports—
Nice Kicks (@nicekicks) August 28, 2013
The Jeffersons and Diabetes. How "Finally getting a piece of the pie" led to their demise tonight at 10:03 pm eastern on #abcreports—
Tony J (@tonetigre10) August 28, 2013
Is He Brandy's or Monica's? Fifteen Years Later, The "Boy" Speaks Out. #ABCreports—
lauren ashley smith (@msLAS) August 27, 2013
'You Know I Got Indian In My Family' The Black Woman's Explanation Into Her Hair. Details at 11. #ABCReports—
Swole Biz (@swolebizness) August 28, 2013
Trinidad James stops by, we ask him why he got 'all gold everything' but can't fix his teeth, Based god is new religion. At 11 #ABCReports—
sydney's boyfriend (@DatNiqqaBooonch) August 28, 2013
LOLLL @mkku_ "RT @TCPRESSLEY16: #ABCReports we will discuss drake's new sponsorship with 5 chewing gum at 5 "—
sara (@thirstiez) August 28, 2013
You Play Too Much: African-Americans' solution for the lack of recess in school working too well? #ABCReports—
Nicholas Sapp (@Meil612) August 28, 2013
"Yo momma". How to respond if she really was so fat that she sat next to everybody in class. #ABCReports—
Daniel Cody (@DRoyulMOG) August 28, 2013
– SCREAMINGGGGGGG! RT @supermeek: "Do you boo boo" the rise of colon cancer in the black community #abcreports—
– gucc .(@aMirahOnTheWall) August 28, 2013
"I dare you to say sumn!!". An African American mom discovers the cure for muteness. Stunning implications. Full story at 12 #ABCReports—
REST T-RELL (@imma_makeit) August 28, 2013
'I wish a niqqa would' Meet 3 people who's wishes came true tonight at 11. #ABCReports—
sydney's boyfriend (@DatNiqqaBooonch) August 28, 2013
"I'm saying though": The gripping details of exactly what's being said in the black community, by Diane Sawyer. #ABCReports—
Tali (@charmful) August 27, 2013
"@mikeblu1: Blurred lines : A Robin Thicke Single or Lamar Odom scream for help. Questions answered at 10 #ABCReports"—
PIXIE VIXXEN (@PixieVixxen) August 27, 2013
#ABCReports Baby is still the #1 Stunna—
Mekhi Piper (@kj2dotcom) August 28, 2013