Jesus take the wheel, last night’s season premiere of “Preachers of LA” was mad real!

The bible says let the person without sin cast the first stone, so I’m not going to judge what I saw last night. In fact, I don’t even know how I felt about what I saw last night. I’m actually not quite sure what I saw last night. I have vague memories of things like:

“from pushing dope to preaching hope”

“I go back to Compton like Jesus went back to Nazareth.”

“Women throw themselves at you in this business, like rockstars.”

“Saved, sanctified, and sexual”

The premiere started up a lot of dialogue about becoming closer to getting God on mainstream TV, but at what cost? The show depicts how much church can be a business (seeing as it looked like MTV Cribs Holy Edition), just like universities are, but does it then misconstrue the genuineness of God and the church? Believers tweeted if the show brings even 1 person closer to God it would be worth it, but it may also be why 200 more turn away.

While all cast members weren’t fully introduced in this first episode, the viewers did learn a lot about Deitrick Haddon who seems to be the gospel superstar, but most grounded and real of the crew. There was also Bishop Ron Gibson, former gang banger who is guaranteed to give you tweetables for days (he is who goes back to Compton). Lastly, there was Bishop Clarence McClendon who had to be reminded by Deitrick, “when God anointed you, you didn’t have an  entourage.”

Because religion is such a controversial issue in itself, this show could potentially be used as ammunition for every atheist in the free world. Ok maybe that statement is a little over zealous, but still derived in truth. One thing that should be clear to those ready to cast a stone, however, man will always fall short. That is why believers are to praise the message delivered and NOT the man who delivered it.

I can’t say that I’ll be tuned into this show weekly, but it airs on Wednesdays on Oxygen at 10pm.


[follow me on Twitter & IG @iampcarter]

The post “Bling, Bentley’s, and Glory” on the Preachers of LA appeared first on Don Diva Magazine.