
Look down below, it’s a crumb, it’s an ant… No, it’s just dope, random art.

So you’re walking down a crowded street in Midtown and are stopped by the taxis competing to get by before the light turns red. You take a breather and place your hand on the pole, getting ready to push the button so the light can change faster- but instead, you’re stopped by a two-inch hand who is already a few steps ahead of you. No worries, nobody is trying to freak you out. Instead, revel in the fact that you were able to notice and see artwork from Joe Iurato live and in person.

Joe Iurato is a man who doesn’t focus too much on being bigger & better. Instead he takes the time to create little characters many of us may have probably walked past and never noticed. The New Jersey artist uses his art to document his life, from skateboarding to breakdancing and beyond. The spray-painted pieces are full of life as they dangle from bridges, climbing building bricks, & hang from road signs.


“My art is nothing more than the exploration and documentation of personal experiences. The pieces form an abstract of my life. They are the questions I have, the conclusions drawn, the love, disgust, joy and sadness contained. Essentially, I paint what I know or what I wish to understand. However big or small, the works are often created in public spaces and left to interact with the environment and community.”


So the next time you pass a random cinderblock or a muddy puddle, stop for a second and take a closer look- who knows, your day might be brightened up by a painted 4-inch figure who like you, is just trying to find their way.



See more of his work on his Flickr account and Facebook.

-Kairi C. (@_findingforever)