gary washburn

Carmelo Anthony’s MVP voter comes forward

LeBron James won his 4th NBA MVP award this weekend moving him one step closer to history, but it was on another front that he was robbed of history. LeBron James almost became the the first ever unanimous NBA MVP winner, almost being the key word there. The lone vote that had derailed LeBron’s moment was a vote for Carmelo Anthony. The man who voted for Carmelo has now stepped forward to defend his vote.

Boston Globe’s Gary Washburn had this to say,

When I placed my NBA MVP vote a few weeks ago, I knew I would be in the minority. I knew LeBron James was the prohibitive favorite to win his fourth award because he unquestionably is the best player in the game.

I voted for Carmelo Anthony based on his importance to the New York Knicks, who, if you haven’t been paying attention the past decade, have failed to be relevant.

Washburn does make a great point seeing that the Knicks are once again relevant but also he raises another good question. Is the award supposed to go to the most valuable player? Or just the best player? This grey area plus lack of guidelines when voting has seemed to ruin a potential historical moment in the NBA’s history.

All in all props to Washburn for defending his vote/not apologizing even though he realized his vote would be in the minority.

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)