Before getting his mugshot taken a drunken Cabrone Brewer asked Tulsa, Okla., deputies “This is going to end up in that mugshot paper, isn’t it?” and with a big smile on his face Carbone took his now famous mugshot.  Not sure what mugshot paper Carbone was talking about but his picture is making the internet and social rounds.

Carbone was arrested after he called AAA for assistance , his car was stuck on some railroad tracks. Due to the location of the car AAA sent the local police department to help the stranded Brewer. Unaware of who was being sent to help Brewer he probaby would have left the scene to sober up.

Upon arrival officers said ”Brewer had the strong odor of alcoholic beverage about his breath and body, red watery eyes, slightly slurred speech, and was unsteady on his feet,”. With all the signs pointing to Brewer being drunk they proceeded to arrest the 32 year old man.

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