California Fire Insert

Three campers linked to fire are arrested in California.

A fast-moving brush fire that erupted Thursday morning has quickly burned at least 1,700 acres of land northeast of downtown Los Angeles, county fire officials said, and fire crews worked throughout the day to contain the blaze. The police in Glendora said that three men had been arrested in connection with the blaze, called the Colby Fire, which broke out just before 6 AM in the Angeles National Forest.

The men – Clifford E. Henry, 22; Jonathan C. Jarrell, 23; and Steven R. Aguirre, 21, – were arrested on charges of recklessly starting a fire and were being held on $20,000 bail. Mr. Aguirre identified himself as homeless, the police said.

“This morning at about 6 o’clock it looked pretty terrible out there,” said Joseph A. Santoro, the mayor of Glendora, a city of about 50,000 people. “It was moving pretty fast.”

He said he believed the firefighters’ efforts had “saved a lot of houses.” Stay tuned for up-to-the-minute on the situation.

– Scott Randell (@DefinedByMvsic)