Chief Keef has been having a rough year. First he was ordered to serve 2 months in Juvenile detention, for not following his parole. Then, in July, he was hit with a lawsuit from the mother of his child, who claimed that he hasn’t been sending child support. Now, Keef has been ordered by a London court to pay $230,019 to a promotion company called Team Major.

Team Major claimed that Chief Keef did not show up to a concert, scheduled for December 29, 2012. The company did not take this snub lightly, and sued for $75,000. Keef, didn’t take this case seriously enough, and never showed up to court–for four months. The judge had only one option, ruling in favor of Team Major, by default.

When handing down the ruling, the judge really tried to send Keef a message. He ordered the young Chicago rapper to pay for damages, loss of earnings, and reputational harm–totaling in $230,000.

Keef really only has himself to blame. Hopefully, next time he will learn from his mistake and show up to court when summoned.

Jimi (@Nativejimi)