
Glassnote Records gets Gambino fired up again.

Childish Gambino‘s latest video for “Sweatpants” featuring Problem received rave reviews, but according to Mr. Glover, everything regarding the release of his video and the new blog for his Deep Web Tour went completely wrong. Glassnote Records, you have an angry artist your hands.

Gambino took to to Twitter about an hour ago to discuss the fact that his label is not handling his releases correctly. The very open rapper says Glassnote Records lied to him several times about his work and even laughed at him when he tried to add his two cents.

Talk about going about things the wrong way.

This isn’t the first time the Community star has vented to his fans about Because the Internet. About six months ago Childish uploaded about a half dozen hand-written notes onto his Instagram about his personal life & his career, focusing on his insecurities & fears.

So to all the execs at Def Jam & Atlantic, if you still want the “3005″ rap sensation, he’s ready to jump on board.

Let’s all hope this turns out well.

-Kairi C. (@_findingforever)