rihanna-chris-brown-hawaiiAfter a much followed reunion between Rihanna and Chris Brown, as you may had read online and what’s still currently trending, Brown confirmed that the two are on a break. He actually made the announcement on Australian radio during an interview on the Kyle and Jackie O Show.

Sounding self-assured and seemingly rolling with the punches, while we haven’t heard anything from Rihanna regarding their split, Brown definitely dropped some sound bites such as “At the end of the day, she’s a young girl. I can’t really be focused on wife-ing somebody that young”. And the love triangle that includes his ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran may be on the run again as she attended a birthday bash of his in L.A. for his 24th.

How long will this breakup last this time, we’ll have to wait and see.  Was it possibly insensitive of Brown to say that considering everything the two went through to try and make it work again?  Until then, if you’re curious to hear his response on whether him and Rihanna are soul mates, listen to his interview below:

–C. Shardae Jobson (@lavishrebellion)