We all know we’re probably doing ‘social media’ too much. Whether it’s that extra five minutes on twitter to trash talk our fantasy football friends or that too short hour of checking out ‘that one chick’s’ bikini vacation pics, we are spending too much time looking at tiny screens instead the beauteous visual display that is our life.
Coke wants to help by creating a “social media guard.” And it looks exactly like one of those cones you put on your pets to keep them from licking something on their bodies.
This may be parody, but it makes sense. Social media can interrupt live participation in the rest of your life, thusly, hurting your ability to… okay, it’s a stretch. But what’s important here is that it’s a joke that hits right on the money.
Too much social media play can leave you unaware of your surroundings.
That kind of distraction could cost you the friends you’re actually trying to interact with.
And could prevent you from taking care of yourself properly.
While hurting you in the workplace
And have you making bad decisions
That could piss off people around you
Or, worse, end your life.
All this dangerous potential makes you wonder why we don’t do this more often.
Which begs the question…