chapman university undie run music video daft punk get lucky half naked underwear girls - chapman university undie run music video daft punk get lucky half naked underwear girls

If Daft Punk has a mega-hit song in “Get Lucky”…where the hell is the video? There’s a video teaser that’s been up for a few months now and the song’s audio video has over 100 million views. Some guy even took the teaser and made a full music video out of it. But we don’t have anything official yet. Grrrr.

So this guy at Chapman University grabbed a camera and filmed one during the school’s Undie Run. What better place to make a video for a song called ‘Get Lucky’ than a place where all the youth are naked and jiggling everywhere?

You know those student loans you’re paying off? You wish you were paying them back to Chapman U, don’t you?

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