common lead

A touchy subject just gets touchy-er

Common‘s been pretty tranquil on the music scene as of late, his last album, The Dreamer, The Believer, was released over two years ago in December of 2011. This year he announced his return to music, with the No I.D.-produced Nobody Smiling, and released his well-received Ab-Soul-featured single, “Made In Black America” earlier this month.

Sunday afternoon, in an ESPN special, Common sat with Outside The Lines host Bob Ley, and explained that he
will continue to use the n-word, explaining “that’s how we talk”, and in order to get the word he’s speaking out to the people he’s attempting to get his message to, he has to use it. Common went on to say there’s violence in the African-American community not because of the use of the word, or a lack of understanding of the word, but because of a lack of love. Watch the full clip from Sunday here.