
LeBron James is one of the most recognizable NBA players in the world, and it’s not surprising that LeBron may have some hardcore fans. But there is one who went to the extreme and got a tattoo of the NBA star on his back.

LeBron showed the pic on his Instagram account saying the following “This dude came into the @thejuicespot with his lady today. Got him some juices and showed me this while he was at it. Had to take a flick with him #WOW #WitnessHistory #StriveForGreatness”.

These are the type of fans who don’t think twice about getting a tattoo of their favorite sports figure. And when LeBron stepped into a juice bath, the owner alerted her husband that James had visited the store it made sense for him to stop by too to show off the tattoo piece and get a pic with his favorite athlete. At least its a pic of the greatest player and four-time MVP, and not a random player like Charlie Villanueva.

We put together some of the funniest and strangest sports tats.