dmx-drphilDMX has been all over headlines lately.

Earlier this week, a 30-second preview surfaced of DMX’s sit-down with Dr. Phil. In this full 14-minute clip, the rapper finally had the chance to speak out and bare all. Throughout the interview, Dr. Phil is candid. At one point he even brings forth a timeline of DMX’s arrest history. As the host went over the timeline and rehashed the rapper’s deep criminal past, DMX explained a few of the incidents in detail. He also touched on the status of his $1 million-dollar debt for the child support of his 12 children.

In the midst of all of his life’s Chaos, DMX still has a comedic side. Away from all of the serious stuff, he spoke about his recent incident where he streaked through a hotel room naked.

When asked if he would change anything about his life thus far, DMX says no. “God has a plan for me. I’m not worried about anything,” he says.

Watch the interview below:

-Anthony Centeno
