black opera80′s babies ain’t got nothing on the 90′s/90′s babies ain’t got nothing on the 2G’s/Lack of father figures f*ck the generations up…

If you don’t know much about The Black Opera that’s good and bad. The duo themselves have hidden their faces in music videos and refuse to refer to themselves on social media platforms. Instead they are a grassroots movement that are about uniting everyone in the world that uses “QUALITY, LONGEVITY, INNOVATION and TALENT” as their M.O. Their complete mission statement is revealed here.

The Mello Music Group group recently released a mixtape that is built off of two concepts: they realize they are artists stuck between two diverging generations in Hip-Hop (hence the mix of recognizable old and new beats) and that when creating anything, there are no rules. They’ve decided to speak their issues with politics, the quality of the music coming out, and everything else that’s going on in the world that you may be blind to. It’s an experimental mix that should push your perception of the world around you.

The revolution has been televised. Catch up.

Bryan Hahn (@notupstate)