bride drunk girl red dress tent pole crash wedding ruined - bride drunk girl red dress tent pole crash wedding ruined

The wedding process is a nightmare for everyone involved. Their reward is the reception. Everyone gets to cut footloose and let their hair down for drinking and dancing around the dance floor and open bar.

Side note: If your wedding does not have an open bar you are evil.

Somewhere in the world a young lady in a red sequined dress had one sip too many at a wedding and took to the dance floor with passion. She threw up her hand, she spilled her drink, she tossed her hair too and fro’, she slinked and slid around the main tent pole and pissed the bride off something awful.

Thanks to smartphone technology someone had the good sense to capture every inch of this story not knowing that this dancing girl would potentially bring ruin upon them all.

Second side note: The tent people will be returning the deposit and any other money they took for this wedding.

Pretty sure the woman in the red sequined dress won’t invited to any more weddings. Ever.

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