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The underground hip-hop world was taken by storm when Hopsin first busted out onto the scene. He chose to remain independent and gained a loyal fan base before he got his deal with Ruthless Records. Fast forward to ten years later and the rapper straight out of California is prepping for a global tour, has several artists signed to his own label, Funk Volume, and his third studio album Knock Madness is ready to the shelves in music stores across the globe.

With appearances from his fellow label mates and the most successful independent rapper of the year Tech N9ne, Knock Madness is one of Hopsin’s most highly-anticipated album yet. The Source was able to catch up with Hopsin to chop it up about his upcoming project, tours and more.

The Source: You’re set to go on tour with Yelawolf. How did the opportunity arise?

Hopsin: Me and Wolf have been cool for about a year or so now. He put the word in to his people and said that it would be dope to go on tour with me. His people reached out to mine and then I got everything situated. I had talked to him on the phone about it and told him I was down just let me know when and we’ll get it done. Plus we’re both down with Stars & Strapes. We only have one song together at the moment with Paul Wall that was produced by Travis Barker and Scoop Deville.

Tell us about ‘Knock Madness.’ What do you have prepared for this album?

A lot man, there’s a variety of music on there. There’s crazy, wild lyrics. There’s sad, emotional lyrics and even funny lyrics. I got serious songs and sad songs. Just a big variety of everything. I wanted to show the full me. I have a lot of people who love me, but I have a lot of haters as well. There are at least one or two songs for someone that doesn’t really like me or what I put out. I think they’ll stumble across a couple songs that will make them go “Oh ok, I fucks with him now.” I kinda wanted to make an album to show my wide range of music that I can do. I just wanted to show the full me.

Can we expect any features?

Hopsin: Tech N9ne is on the album. I just released the single a few days ago.

How was that experience working with him? I feel like you both connect in a way because you’re both independent artists in the game.

We’re both independent and we’re both some weird a** motherfuckers. You can tell right off the top. We weren’t actually in the studio together but I had a phone conversation with him. I told him what I wanted on the song and I knew he was gonna come with it. He did exactly what I wanted on the song and it’s f*cking dope. He smashed it. Dizzy Wright, SwizZz and Jarren Benton from my label are on it too. I also got two artists, Passionate MC & Gmo Skee that are on the song “Lunchtime Cypher.”

Throughout all of your albums, you’ve had your boy SwizZz with you. Tell us about the relationship you going with your Funk Volume crew.

It’s SwizZz, Jarren Benton and Dizzy Wright and they’re all individual artists under my label Funk Volume. As far as me and SwizZz, we’ve known each other since high school

How does it feel to bring your boy up with you in the game?

It feels good. I’m glad I know someone who’s been there since day 1 supporting each other. As far as Dizzy Wright and Jarren Benton, we found them online just searching through the web and we came across them. We decided to reach out to them and put them on the label or try to at least. Everything worked out in our favor. We figured we could help them out and we did.

As an independent artist, how do you feel about your music affecting the mainstream setting?

Honestly, I don’t think people in the mainstream, if they are affected by it, will say anything. I know they hear my music because I know people in the mainstream side but I know they won’t acknowledge me because its too much of a risk. For one, I can post a video right now and get a million views in 24 hours if I call somebody out or have some type of beef with somebody. I mean it would increase album sales for myself and him as well. But for me it would benefit me so I don’t think anybody from the mainstream will even acknowledge me publicly. It’s cool though, I’m good.

What’s next after your tour with Yelawolf?

My big world tour is coming up. It starts off in Australia and then I come back for the United States run starting in January for three months.

Knock Madness drops November 26th.