Q: How are you? Did you have fun at Comic-Con?
Emily: Yes. It was a fun weekend for sure.
Q: Was it your first time ?
Emily: I was working, so I didn’t actually get to go to the convention center. I was on the street and dressed up in the outfits, but it was pretty amazing.
Q: What were some of the crazier outfits you saw out there?
Emily: I mean, honestly, at the at the Axe Party, I saw some pretty good ones, from the Playboy Bunnies and stuff. Yeah, maybe I’m a sucker for that stuff, but I was like, “Wow! Those are amazing.”
Q: So let’s talk Robin Thicke’s summer hit “Blurred Lines”. How did it happen? Who called you? How did that process work?
Emily: So it’s kind of a funny story because I think Diane Martel and Rob saw me on a magazine that I was on the cover of. So I didn’t go to a casting, they contacted my agent directly. We weren’t really sure about it initially because on paper it sounded so crazy. You have naked girls dancing around in a music video…not something that you can kind of easily imagine looking really great. But then I met with Diane Martel, the director, and we really connected. And she kind of explained to me more in-depth the kind of message she wanted to come across – that the women would be confident and really addressing the camera and in a power position. Once I established a relationship with her then I was more inclined to do it.
Q: How was the vibe on set? How was working with Robin Thicker, Pharrell and T.I. and all of the guys?
Emily: It was work, but Diane Martel was on the loudspeaker yelling over the music at everyone giving direction so it was just super high energy and fun.
Q: Any funny or interesting stories that went down that day behind the scenes?
Emily: (Laughs) I don’t even think that Robin knew exactly all of the props that were gonna be engaged… like there was a stuffed dog. So it was kind of just this like big carousel of random objects coming through. I think that was really kind of surprising for us the whole day.
Q: How did you get your start in the modeling industry?
Emily: My mom is an intellectual feminist and people would say “Oh, your daughter should model,” and she would kind of scoff back at them, like, “She’ll be a brain surgeon.” You know? People continued to approach me. And my mom finally said, “If you want, let’s give it a try,” you know? I ended up going into Ford Models through an acting agent and they signed me the day that they met me when I was 14. So. And I’m now with the same agent, which is great.
Q: What were you doing out in Comic-Con with Axe?
Emily: Well I was there with Axe to help launch the “Black Chill” products which helps guys keep their cool around hot women. Because I think women are getting more confident and the way they express themselves. And I think that guys kind of need an extra edge sometimes to give them that confidence to talk to sexy women.
Q: What do you love about the Axe scent?
Emily: It has a really nice, cool masculine smell that is kind of refreshing maybe more so than other products.
Q: Would you recommend it for your boo?
Emily: I’ve been around Axe since I was a little girl. I remember the first guy that I ever kissed was wearing Axe, so yes! I have a good relationship with the brand.
Q: It brings you back full circle?
Emily: Yes! Totally.
Q: So what can we expect next from you in the future? Any more music videos possibly?
Emily: I think I’ve kind of done the music video thing maybe there will be something in the future, you never know. But the one thing that’s good about the video is that so many different types of people responded to it; acting people saw a girl on camera who could emote really well and then fashion people saw their thing, so I’ve been out in L.A. auditioning and the last couple of days… I shot with Bruce Weber. So it’s kind of been an exciting time for me. Obviously a lot of projects are hush-hush, but you’ll hear about them eventually.