Tika Sumpter Ride AlongThe Source Magazine was amongst the select outlets invited to Atlanta to witness the magic of making Universal Pictures’ latest film “Ride Along,” which hits theaters this month on January 17.

You can read Part I of our set visit report below!

Exclusive Highlights From Our ‘Ride Along’ Set Visit With Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Tika Sumpter & More!

Tika plays Kevin Hart’s girlfriend and Ice Cube’s little sister in the action/comedy. Check out what she told reporters, while we were on set last year:

Q: So explain to us the scene we just saw you film?

Tika: Myself & Cube had this little argument between brother and sister and you know Kevin is in that scene also and he’s super funny and I just like the relationship that Cube and I have and I thought that was really fun and also any scene that I film with Kevin is hilarious he has me laughing all day. So, just building our relationship and what that’s going to be has been fun for every scene!

Q: How do you find the balance in doing a serious scene and all of this hilarity and funniness all around you?

Tika: The great thing about this movie is there is some drama, but there is also a lot of funny, but the drama part is like you get into it because of the people around you…So, it’s easy to get around when other actors are great at what they do, so you just get into it you know it’s what we do.

Q: Why did you say yes to this film?

Tika: ‘Cause they gave me a job (Loud Laughs)! I said yes because I love the script & I mean you first look at the script as an actor and the character and I loved Angela.  I love that she is vulnerable and conservative and she has a boyfriend who’s out there! Then she has this brother who raised her who’s very protective and she grew up in a regimented environment because their parents weren’t around.  The thing she loves most about her man is that he is so different than what she is used to, so I love that dynamic about the character and then I have Ice Cube in it and just the cast and I’m just glad that I am able to be apart of it.

Q: What’s its like working with Ice Cube?

Tika: Oh My God! It’s so funny because I was like, you know you don’t know what to expect.  It was my first time meeting Cube and I was scared at first because he has the real serious look you know he’s a Gemini like me and he’s super sweet he’s like a big brother and we were in the trailer one day and he just walked in like “Hey, Little Sister” and I just thought that was so sweet it’s been really good with Cube he’s like a big teddy bear.

Q: What’s your character like? How is her relationship with Ice Cube?

Tika: She loves him. She grew up with him. He’s the father figure in her life so he means everything to her.  So, he’s kind of strict you know and she’s trying to break away from being this little girl.  So is that Love? Not hate just a love struggle kind of relationship where she wants him in her life, but she also wants him to let go a little bit and let her be her own person. It’s that relationship.  It’s love but, it’s a struggle.

Q: Is there anything about shooting in Atlanta that’s different or unique from shooting in New York or LA?

Tika: Well, I’ve been blessed to shoot all the things I’ve ever done in Atlanta and Atlanta is a great place to shoot. First of all, a lot of things are shooting here so all your friends are here.  It’s so fun, I really love Atlanta, it’s a cool vibe, you can relax you can go back to the hotel and chill or you can go out to chill. There’s something to do after work.  So I love it and I’ve been blessed to be able to work here a lot and so is New York, but Atlanta has been real good to me.  I think this is my good luck charm.

Q: Are there any romance scenes between you and Kevin Hart and would you date Kevin in real life?

Tika: Haaaaaa (Laughs) You know what’s charming about Kevin? He has a really sweet demeanor, which is why I can see women liking him and he’s funny.  If you’re funny, you can get girls.  He’s like a brother to me. There is like a little scene between us.  It’s really (Laughs) kind of funny. I really can’t wait for you to see it. But, No I would never date Kevin (Laughs) but you know, a lot of girls love him and he has a great girlfriend, so he’s not doing too badly for himself.

Q: How is the comedy dynamic between you and Kevin?

Tika: The cool thing about working with Kevin is that this is my second time I’ve done something with Bryan Callen one of Ice cube’s partners who plays “Megs” and I’ve done my first real comedy, but this is kind of a bigger one and it’s nerve wrecking coming into a comedy because you’re like “ I gotta be funny” but, really I wasn’t hired to be funny that’s Kevin Hart’s job, but what another good actor does, is they enhance the other characters because you want the other person to be better.  So I’ve been taking everything in like sponge and just playing off of him.  We’ve done some ad libbing, which is always fun for an actor because you find new things and he just brings the best funny out of me, the funny that I am. You know, all you can be is yourself and the funny part he brings out of me.

Q: Earlier you mentioned that Kevin is like a brother to you.  So how does one switch gears from feeling like in real life that someone is not you brother to, love interest?

Tika: Well, Kevin has a little sex appeal, a little bit! (Laughs) He’s a handsome dude, you know. It’s not hard to be attracted to somebody who is actually really funny, who actually its smart. His character is a little goofy, but he’s smart, he’s everything that she likes so opposites attract. That’s attractive to Angela, that’s attractive to me so it’s easy to switch gears because when it’s cut it’s like Kevin’s back to being…goofy all the time.

Q: What’s the funniest thing that has happen, offset?

Tika: OMG! That’s hard! You know the cool thing about comedians is they are super honest.  So Kevin will come in and just be like “Tika I farted, you better get away.” (Laughs) He’s not ashamed whereas a normal person would be like OMG let me get away real quick he’d be like “OHH boy that was a big one.” You know what I mean. He’s so random and that’s the cool thing that their truth is just reality…where we will be ashamed at things that they are not , they’re just super, super honest so…All I remember at this set so far is that I’m literally dying on the floor laughing a lot of times. I’m just laughing and absorbing everything so, I can’t pinpoint one..Especially doing the press they’ll ask what’s so funny and I’m like there’s so many moments that are funny.

Q: So, having done comedy and drama which one do you prefer?
Tika: Well, I prefer work so (Laughs). You know, I don’t prefer one over the other .  I definitely think comedy is hard.  I think it’s very hard to be funny if you aren’t naturally funny because then there are a lot of people looking at you, like “You’re not funny.”  It’s different, it’s like a different genre. I’m just here soaking it all in like sponge, so that when I go on my next job I can insert a little bit of funny that I’ve learned here, but I love drama, too.

Q: We heard you did all of your stunts, how has that been?

Tika: Actually, no, I still have some stunts coming up I’m excited to do them.  I did one stunt in “Sparkle” where I had to hit someone really hard and I killed them (Laughs) So, yea we have some more stuff coming up. I think that’s going to be my Ammo from now on. I haven’t done them, yet, but they’re coming up and I’m excited to do them.  I love stunts.

Q: Have you had a similar situation to your character in ‘Ride Along’?

Tika: That’s a good question. Not yet! Because for me I don’t bring anyone that’s in my life that close into my family until I know for sure. Yeah and  I have six siblings so it’s hard they will be like “ uh uh” and…I’m not the older sister but, I feel like I’m the older sister.  It’s usually the other way around where they will bring people home and I’m like “ NO”

Q: Are they your brothers or your sisters?

Tika: My sisters, my brother it doesn’t matter who it is, they’re scared for them to meet me because I’m super honest and you can see it in my face but, my sister just got married to somebody and before she decided to move on, she’s like “ You gotta meet my sister first” and she’s looking at me like “Is it okay?” I’m like, “Yes, he’s okay, he’s fine!” So, it’s more of the other way around with me. It takes a minute for you to get around before you meet my Momma!

Tika Sumpter stars in "Ride Along."

Tika Sumpter stars in “Ride Along.”