Frank Ocean HeroIn their latest “Three Artist. One Song” series, Converse brings together budding R&B superstar Frank Ocean, punk pioneers The Clash, and EDM producer Diplo for an amazingly inspirational track. Entitled “Hero,” it is a testament to the good things that can happen, when you place amazing musicians in the same room.

Ocean takes the reigns for majority of the vocals on this three minute morsel of deliciousness, imbuing his signature smooth dark Motown vibes throughout; it has been a long time coming, but his voice always makes the wait worthwhile. Diplo’s percussion and arrangements can be heard in the background, giving it a bump that quickly becomes addictive. While the Clash play live instruments, giving Ocean a beautiful tapestry to lull over. The fourth group that contributed in a major way, was the Los Angeles Children’s Choir, who provided amazing vocals at key moments during the song. Definitely check this track out immediately. 

Jimi (@Nativejimi)