
Over the weekend rapper and former source owner Benzino was shot by his nephew while he was on his way to mother’s funeral in Boston. Normally when rappers or anyone in the hip hop community gets harmed in any way, people send messages through their social outlets.

In Benzino’s case he one of the most hated rappers in hip-hop history, after all this is he same guy who gave himself 4 1/2 mics back when The Source had a little more credibility. Since then the rapper has turned into a reality star and stopped releasing albums.

Looking for support from his followers on Instagram the rapper (and we use this term very loosely) posted a picture of himself recovering from the wound and from the looks of things, he might have caught a slug to the upper left arm. And as expected the internet and photoshop had a grand time tearing Benzino apart with memes.

After posting the pic, pretty sure Benzino didn’t expect a wind storm of memes mocking his gunshot.

Here is a few memes the internet had to offer.