michael sam nfl ncaa gay football player - michael sam nfl ncaa gay football player

Michael Sam has done what will probably be the most significant thing to happen to professional sports ever. And it’s not necessarily that he came out as gay.

Sam came out as a homosexual before he even hit the draft. Before he’s even been through the vetting activity known as the NFL Combine. For the first time ever, the entire NFL will have to look at its approach to homosexual athletes while one very qualified member could join their ranks.

Michael Sam is a ridiculously high draft prospect due to his dominant defensive play with Missouri during a superlative 12-2 season run and bowl game performance. Not to mention he happened to accomplish all this in one of the most competitive and elite football conference in America.

NFL running back superstar Adrian Peterson has openly used religion to state his disagreement with gay sexual preference. What other current players who’ve spoken out publicly will have to reevaluate their public stance, religious or otherwise? How will this affect broadcasters that call his games? The aftershocks will roll to each and every corner of pro sports.

This may be a monumental moment brought about by Michael Sam, but he is not the only player to come out. Several other high profile athletes have helped to pave this road.

Glenn Burke

glenn burke homosexual mlb baseball player athlete - glenn burke homosexual mlb baseball player athlete

As of 2013 Glenn Burke is the only man to come out as a homosexual while playing in the MLB. Burke played for two teams over three years in the late ‘70’s and believes that he was pushed out due to his sexual preference.