
From the people that brought us the Uncharted series they now bring to us  “The Last of Us.  A first person shooter, which was released exclusively through Sony’s Playstation 3 last week.

The game centers around the hero named Joel a survivor from Texas, whose job is to save mankind with the job of helping Ellie across the country as they battle flesh eating zombies and human foes along the way. Set in a 20-year post-apocalyptic future after a fungus as turned humans into flesh eating zombies.

Throughout game, you will experience realistic scenery, cinema quality cuts scenes (just like the “Resident Evil” series) and hordes of zombies throughout your journey.  Unlike other fast-paced zombie killer, shoot ‘em and Uncharted series, games developer Naughty Dog decided to give the game a slower pace. Instead of going in battles with guns blazing, Naughty Dog makes it a point in gameplay to have stealth attacks to give the game a real life feel. But there are moments within the gameplay were action does heat up and give gamers some frantic moments.

The game’s A.I. is a bit tricky as zombies are very difficult to take down and difficult to evade.  Once a zombie notices you out in the open, their mission is to hunt you down until they find you or you find them first. There will be no time to get familiar with your surroundings or have time to locate or switch weapons.  If you’re missing “The Walking Dead” until season 4 returns to AMC this may hold you over.

“The Last of Us” is available now.

Platforms: PS3

Price: $59.99

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