"Girls" Season Three Premiere - ArrivalsThe girls take a much needed vacation in Long Island

Last week on the HBO hit show, Girls, it was all about Hannah as she quits her job at the coffee house and starts working at GQ magazine doing advertorial. Jessa finally found a job working at a boutique store. In this episode, things seem to be tense for the girls as they reflect on their lives and take things more seriously.

This week, the girls take a well deserved vacation as they takeover Long Island. They were staying at Marnie’s mother’s friend’s house and as soon as they get to the house, Marnie assigned them to their own rooms, which in my opinion is not a good idea because who wants to feel like they are at home with your parents again.

Hannah agreed with Marnie that it was a good idea to assign rooms but once again Marine always make sure that she is always in control.  They all took a trip to the beach, but Hannah is the only one who is still wearing her bathing suit as she is left outside of the supermarket as they were shopping for food. As she is outside she runs into her old boyfriend, Elijah, with his new boyfriend & friends, she invites them to come back to the house with them just to hang out but that doesn’t sit well with Marnie. As Hannah, Shoshanna, and Jessa were having fun with Elijah & his friends, Marnie was the only one who was not having fun.

They all decided to go to the kitchen to have dinner and they all have a breakdown moment between the four of them which turned into a honest session where Shoshanna started throwing insults mostly at Marnie & Hannah, which they thought were really hurtful and mean. This really caused Hannah to miss Adam as the rest of the girls go to bed.  As they were leaving from Long Island, the girls do a dance as they weren’t talking to each other but in my opinion this was a cute moment on the show.

Tune in next week to see what adventures the girls go on!

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)