Girls-The Source Reality is setting in on the girls

Last week on the HBO hit series, Girls, there were many faces of Hannah as she attended David’s funeral and she plays Dr. Phil between Adam and Caroline. Shoshanna finally stands up to Jessa as she tries to study for an exam and Jessa kept judging her for getting an education. But she judges Jessa for watching Forensic Files and wasn’t afraid. Fearing that she wasn’t going to have a deal, Hannah talks to a new publisher & editor about her new book. She founds out that the book is not going to be an e-book deal but a deal which she was very happy about.

This week, it is all about Hannah as she quits her job at the coffee house and starts working at GQ magazine doing advertorial. Jessa finally found a job working at a boutique store. In this episode, things seem to be tense for the girls as they reflect on their lives and take things more seriously.

Finally proving that she is over Ray, Shoshanna decides that she is going to sleep with one of her classmates and takes her studies more seriously. When she thinks she is happy at her new job, Hannah had a breakdown and tries to quit her job. She tells her new boss that she doesn’t want to be at GQ for the next 10 years.

Also, in this episode, we might be seeing a new couple on the show Marnay (Ray + Marine) as they start to hang out more and developing feelings for each other. They out for lunch and get into a fight about Africa that resulted in them calling each other dumb. Just as Jessa was trying to enjoy her new job, she ended up fired because of how she was treating the customers by being rude and disrespectful to them.

Tune- in next Sunday as the girls go on vacation!

-Matia (@ms_hip_hop)