
No picture is safe apparently

A company selling kinky hair extensions has been accused of stealing photos of women’s natural hair for advertisement,  according to a post on The women, popular Instagram users known for their locks Leanora,@SunShine_726, and @Beedoelv, have expressed their concern on the the site’s message board.

“I don’t like that fact that they are using my photo to sell their product,” Leanora wrote on the message board. “1. My hair is MY HAIR! They should’ve hired a model and added THEIR HAIR to hers and advertised the correct way. 2. I am a professional model! I get paid for companies to use my face, hair, hands, feet, etc and unfortunately there is nothing I can do about this because my photos aren’t water marked smh.”

As of now, the company has not responded to the women nor have they removed the photos. Taking photos from social media users and using them for commercial gain is all too easy on the Internet. But protecting one’s pictures from companies is is the difficult part.

Remain vigilant posters.

Victoria Wright (@vic_j_wright)