

Do pictures of abs of steel make you cry or hit the treadmill?

Scroll through any Instagram feed and you’re sure to catch a slew of users posting motivational messages concerning mental and physical health. The New Age trend of maintaining a balanced and envyingly awesome life has hit the social media sphere, but does it really have any benefits?

Perhaps watching a video fit Instagram personality slaying away at the gym while “All Me” by Drake blast in the background will motivate one to hit the gym. Or does it have an adverse effect and cause the onlooker to grab at their access fat pockets in a sigh of self-pity and despair?

Maybe it’s not that crucial, but the social media culture does have an unfortunate outcome of causing unnecessary comparison, thus creating an atmosphere of “mine life is better than yours and I’m going to let my pictures tell you why.”

Even celebrities have jumped on the bandwagon of sharing their health routines with Instagram. Angela Simmons frequently post images of her workout routine and newly adopted vegetarian lifestyle. The designer also enjoys sharing motivational messages geared toward building success and self-confidence.

Whether the posts are help or hinder, one thing is for certain: this generation is brewing with individuals who take their mental and physical health seriously.

Check the pages below for a popular health gurus on Instagram.

Victoria Wright (vic._j_wirght)