Single-Ladies-3-pic-Harold-House-Moore-200x300Her Source got a chance to sit down with one of the sexiest stars of Single Ladies, Harold “House” Moore, as he dished the dirt on this season of VH1′s hit series and the qualities he looks for in a woman. 

How did you get cast on the show “Single Ladies”?

Harold House Moore: I actually got cast two years ago, I was set to do another TV show and I was shooting “Necessary Roughness” and they had been looking for someone to play Malcolm’s brother in the beginning of season and I happened to be there and I knew the producer Jason Wood and he reached out to me. I went in and I booked the role and the next day they wanted me to come in because they were scheduled to do more episodes with me in it. At that time, I was doing another TV show “NYC 22″ that aired on CBS.

In three words, how would you describe your character, Terrance?

HHM: Unpredictable, he’s charming, and he’s ambitious. Because you never know what you’re going to get, he’s such a firecracker and a wildcard and we all know people that have the drunk uncle in the family and in the aspect of the family, they know who you are and they are hard to predict. He’s charming because he does have a way with the women and he knows how to talk to women. He’s ambitious because has goals and he knows what he wants, but he is not too vocal about what he wants. In the beginning of the episode, his father died and you see Malcolm trying to take the reigns and you see his progression within the season.

Since the show is called “Single Ladies,” what are the qualities you like in a woman?

HHM: First, I have to be attracted to you…we all have different opinions about how we have a type and know what we like. The thing after that would be personality, charisma, charm, and extremely considerate and me personally I am a considerate person and a person that listens. If you tell me that you like something and I know that means something to you, I may not pay attention to what you say at that moment, but I do the opposite. When you are in a relationship, people choose to make themselves happy like if your girlfriend buys you a blue shirt instead of a red shirt you are happy about it, but you really wanted the red shirt. In every relationship, there should always be a listener.

What is it like working with people like LisaRaye and D.B. Woodside on the show?

HHM: Working with LisaRaye and D.B. Woodside is a treat and an experience and it’s a learning lesson. These two have been in the industry for so long they’re veterans and season vets. It’s an opportunity to learn. LisaRaye took me under her wing and D.B. treated me like a little brother and she transferred such wisdom and provided to step in like a mentor. It’s about learning about the business. D.B. brings professional when filming on the show, where as you don’t have to tell him to be on set, he’s already there.

What is it like to work with Denise Vasi as a love interest?

HHM: Working with Denise is fun and is a very beautiful woman. Congratulations to her she just got married and Anthony who works on the show and is good to her. They both are wonderful together. Anytime you work with anybody that is pleasant and beautiful it’s like a little kid in a candy store. It’s a blessing working around talented and beautiful women.

What can fans expect from your character, Terrance?

HHM: They can expect nothing, he’s so unpredictable and fans got a chance to see why Terrance is the way that he is. This season, you will definitely see why Terrance goes from 0 to 60. His character is so relatable to everyday people and gravitates to Terrance. This year, by bringing in Damien and Letoya Luckett is all about storylines with the characters this season. You could expect drama, and see a vulnerable side with Terrance and almost the Tupac of television. Just make sure that you tune in.

Fans can reach Mr. Moore on social media on Twitter at @whozhouse and on Instagram at @whozhouse

Tune in every Monday night at 9 pm on VH1.

Matia (@ms_hip_hop)