AvocadoThe weather has been pretty brutal these past few days, and it’s certainly taking its toll on your skin. So why not whip up some simple homemade face masks to revive that sun kissed face. Whatever your skin type, we have the perfect recipes for you!

Dry: For dry skin, Avocado is a very good, and highly recommended cleanser/moisturizer. When mixed with honey, this paste like combination locks in your skin’s natural oils and leaves face feeling smooth and looking radiant. (Allow mask to sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing)

Oily: Using oatmeal as the primary ingredient in this concoction, excess sebum (oils) will be absorbed by the flakes of oat. Combine with one egg yolk and a tbsp. of honey and mix until thickened. (Allow mask to sit for 5-10 minutes)

Combination: A banana mask works perfectly for those of us with combination skin. Since the fruit doesn’t contain oil, it won’t leave that glossed over look on your skin that you’re trying to get rid of. It does, however, leave skin feeling soft as ever. Mash in a bowl along with oatmeal, and apply to skin as a natural exfoliant. (Smooth over face for about 5minutes then rise)

– Yolanda Danae’


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