Fellow writers, cast mates, and crew toasted to another season of hard work, big laughs, and shockingly attractive male guest stars with the recently released Johnnie Walker Platinum Label. Always the most charming hostess, Mindy raised a glass (okay, two glasses, it was a party) as she made a special toast thanking everyone for a season full of laughter.
Today, after the official last day of filming of the season, the whisky aficionado showed both her cast and her team of writers just how much she cares with a special gift of rare whisky, Johnnie Walker Blue Label. To the cast she engraved the bottle with the message “Great year! Rest up. xoxo, Mindy ” and for her team of writers “Great year. Get back to work. xo, Mindy.”
Photo Credit: Michael Kovac for WireImage on behalf of Johnnie Walker