A Gun Buyback And A Walk For Peace During Harlem Week With Harlem Mothers SAVE Supports Day 100 Of A 109-Day Campaign Of The Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence Initiative
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By Charles Fisher and Randy Fisher @HHSYC

Producer Greg Hart and Senior Producer/Correspondent Craig Rivera stand with members of Harlem Mothers SAVE including Dottie Payne, Founder Jackie Rowe-Adams, Denise Paul, Norma Castellar, Otissa Dillard, Milagra Ortegas & Margarita Torres.
As we continue to work with the Fox News Network and Geraldo At Large to provide the voiceless with a platform to discuss the crime and violence that plagues their community we can truly say that Geraldo Rivera is no joke. After a production meeting with the star TV & Radio Talk Show host, as well as Journalist, Author and Attorney, and his brother, Senior Producer/Correspondent Craig Rivera and Producer Greg Hart we are excited about the work we have done and future prospects that are in the pipeline to address gun and gang violence, unemployment, poverty, obesity and the dropout rates in minority communities. It’s hard to find a show that will make a long-term commitment to provide minority communities with a vehicle to tell their story to the entire country.
With the support of “Geraldo At Large” we can now truly address the issue of Black on Black and Hispanic on Hispanic Crime and find the resources to finally fix a problem that has plagued our communities for over 6 decades with no solution in sight. We are now in day 102 of our 109 day campaign and this week the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council will unveil their plan to address minority crime in recognition of the 50th year anniversary of the March on Washington, which was August 28, 1963.
Said Geraldo Rivera “We are committed to go where the others will not to help bring social and economic justice to the poor and disadvantaged because that is what I have been doing all my life. Working with the Fishers to give minority youth an opportunity to rise out of their conditions and succeed would give me great joy and that’s the direction we will focus.”
“This is our second week in the field reporting the story that others are to busy to tell. We are willing to go beyond the call of duty to offer the hopeless the news support they need to break the chains of violence, poverty and strive to live a productive life,” said Senior Producer/Correspondent Craig Rivera, Geraldo At Large.
“Working with Charles and Randy gives us a real purpose because our missions to uplift the less fortunate are aligned. Geraldo At Large is more than a news show, we really care about those suffering under the weight of gun violence and if we can use this show to save lives, we have done our job not only as journalists but also as human beings,” stated Greg Hart, Producer, Geraldo At Large.
Socially responsible companies like the Source Magazine and Geraldo At Large offer new hope to the youth and young adults we service who are starving for knowledge and looking for a way out of the crime-infested communities they live. Many truly believe they will not live to see their 21st birthday.
Watch “Geraldo At Large” every Saturday at 10PM, 1AM and 4AM.
For more info on our next project hit us up at: hiphopsyc@aol.com

Geraldo Rivera, Charles Fisher, Randy Fisher and Craig Rivera at Production Meeting to address Stop Question & Frisk and Gun Violence.