Media Partners, Special Incentives Along With Cash Will Help Support Each Event and Break Gun Buy-Back Records
By Charles Fisher & Randy Fisher @HHSYC
The Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council attended a Gun Buy-Back press conference on Sunday to take guns off the street and make this a safer city. The uniqueness of this event is that it was co-sponsored by the New York City Council and NYPD, who both agree that protecting our great city from gun violence is an important task. Below is a release from the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council outlining what they plan to bring to the table as a community partner supporting this initiative.
For immediate release for more info contact the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council at or 917-567-9294.
Marketing and Promotional Support from the HHSYC, Source Magazine, MEGA 97.9 FM and AMOR 93.1 FM will help the 10-event project reach record numbers
Jobs, Training Programs, Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Substance Abuse Treatment will be offered to those that turn in a gun and want to turn their life around
July 30, 2013, New York, NY—In an effort to take guns off the streets the Hip-Hop Summit Youth Council and their Hip-Hop Against Gun & Gang Violence Project joined the NY City Council to announce a 10-event Gun Buy-Back initiative. Last year we helped promote one of the most successful Gun Buy-Back promotions ever taking 509 guns of the street in South Jamaica, Queens at the Church of New Jerusalem. Just having an event is not enough because if those that have the guns are not made aware of the initiative the goal will not be accomplished. The key to success is getting the word out and then convincing citizens to be a part of the solution and not the problem. By giving up their gun for cash we create a Win/Win for both parties because when we take guns off the street we save lives.
Though we support this project on a local level we still need Washington to step up to the plate and do their part to stop the flow of guns coming into our city. We have some of the toughest gun laws in the country but a majority of guns seized are from out of state. It is our hope that those that support this gun buy-back program will also use their leverage to put pressure on our elected officials in Washington, DC so that we can attack the gun problem from all facets.
“Turning in your gun is the first step toward turning your life around and that is why we want to offer those that have reached that magical turning point in their lives employment, training, entrepreneurial opportunities and substance abuse assistance. We hope this provides an additional incentive along with the cash for them to give up their gun. We applaud Commissioner Kelly, Speaker Quinn and the City Council for joining forces to improve public safety,” stated Charles Fisher, Founder, HHSYC.
Having a gun buy-back is a good thing, but if gun owners are not aware of the event we will not achieve our goal. Using the power of the media is essential and through our partnership with socially responsible companies like the Source Magazine, MEGA 97.9 FM, AMOR 93.1 FM, Super Fi Emporium, Fishers of Men Restaurant and P.O.G. Marketing & Media will give us a new and much needed element to produce successful record breaking events.
“Ensuring the public’s safety is one of government’s most fundamental responsibilities, and this initiative will help keep guns out of the wrong hands and save lives,” said Speaker Christine Quinn. “Every single life lost to the hands of a criminal with a gun is a tragedy. Through this series of gun buy-backs, we can prevent the violence that devastates families and entire communities. We must protect the city we love, and with our gun buy-back program, we’re not just taking guns back – we’re also taking back our city’s streets.”
“New York City police officers take thousands of the guns off the street through proactive policing, often at risk to their own lives, as demonstrated so tragically with the assassinations of Detectives Rodney Andrews and James Nemorin. However we’ve also used gun buy-back programs with clergy throughout the city in which individuals can surrender guns, no questions asked. The district attorneys from each of the five boroughs have collaborated with us to provide matching forfeiture funds to help underwrite the payment of $200 for each handgun surrendered in our buy-back programs, which began five years ago this summer. We’re grateful that Speaker Quinn and the Council have identified funds to make even more buy-back programs possible over the coming year. It’s all about saving lives,” said Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly.
“In the past gun buy-backs have proven to be an effective tool in removing illegal guns from off our streets. I commend the New York City Police Department for matching the City Council dollar for dollar and bringing this program to every borough. Although we anticipate the success of this gun buy-back program, we strive for the day we will no longer have to hold a gun buy-back program,” said Council Member Ruben Wills.
“Working to take guns of the street is a priority for the Council and through our Taskforce we have worked very hard to fund programs like Cure Violence with wrap around services which include: Mental Health, Legal Assistance, Conflict Mediation and Youth Development. All this further supports the gun buy-back initiative,” ended Council Member Jumaane Williams, Co-Chair of the Task Force to Combat Gun Violence.
“It is our intent to put a new twist on gun buy-back events by using our media partners and a host of incentives to help our youth and young adults understand that giving up their gun is the first step towards starting a new life. Last year we helped break a record with 509 guns being surrendered in Queens. This was accomplished with media support and directly appealing to those that carry guns in high crime areas. There is nothing more powerful than having a discussion with an individual that wants to change his or her life but needs a little push. That is what we will be doing again through this initiative,” ended Randy Fisher, Executive Director, HHSYC.

Charles Fisher and City Council Speaker Quinn embrace after the City Council Citywide Gun Buy-Back press conference.
The HHSYC was founded in July 2001 by Charles Fisher (also known as the former manager of LL Cool J, the Lost Boyz and co-discoverer of R. Kelly). The organization was created to help implement commitments made by record companies, artists, community leaders and elected officials at the historic 2001 Hip-Hop Summit in New York City. Participants are taught how to constructively use their time, talent and the Hip-Hop culture to improve social, political and economic conditions in their school, home and community. Randy Fisher is the organization’s Executive Director. For additional information visit