Name: John David Jackson

Foundation: A Fabolous Way
Well known for his wittiness on the mic, the F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S has founded a non-profit entitled A Fabolous Way. The mission is to empower a culture of achievement throughout New York City using guidance, inspiration, and community outreach. Fabolous is also music and arts ambassador for “After-School All-Stars” a nationwide after-school program, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, and Chris Bosh are also involved in raising funds for the program. The program has helped provide after-school programs for over 80,000 at-risk students in the country.

Every year, the non-profit holds an annual urban promise fundraiser. The last fundraiser helped raise funds to send 45 inner city youth from Camden, NJ on a weeklong educational spring break trip to Maryland. The youth got the chance to camp, rock climb, zip line along with tours to Washington D.C. to meet local senators and congressmen.

One of Fabolous biggest fundraisers was the 3 Kings Coat Drive where he partnered with Dr. Jays and Hot 97. Robinson Cano of the New York Yankees and Ahmad Bradshaw of the New York Giants were also involved in helping collect coats for the less fortunate during the winter season.

The event caught the eye of plenty celebrities and they’ve all pitched in and dropped off coats at numerous Dr. Jays locations. The coat drive was a success with over 100,000 coats collected in total. Fab’s efforts are applauded, giving back to the community is essential to making a difference.

Recap of 3 Kings Coat Drive

-Danny Mclean (@KingDanny__)