HHFT-FLASH Hip Hop Family Tree is the latest effort by Ed Piskor. The hardcover is printed through Fantagraphic Books and a weekly serial is released on boingboing.com. The Hip Hop Family Tree is a historical chronicle of Hip Hop from its beginnings in the Bronx to its present worldwide status. These stories are carefully researched and detailed along with great comic book style art reminiscent of the early Marvel greats. Ed Piskor recently told Rob Beschizza of boingboing.com, “”2 major strands to my DNA are Hip Hop culture and comic books, so this project is the perfect vessel to explore and play in these various sandboxes in tandem, to explore certain similarities between the two worlds, and to merge the cultures under one roof. The format of the Hip Hop Family Tree series is based on the “Marvel Treasury” format, as evidence by the banner across the masthead.”

Check out the video above as Ed himself breaks it all down.