mq1After releasing his sixth installment of his “ill mind of Hopsin” series last night, Hopsin has revealed the release date and cover art for his upcoming album in a press release today.

The “Knock Madness” album will be released November 26th. This will be Hopsin’s third studio album. “Gazing at the Moonlight”(2009) was his first album, and “Raw”(2010) was Hopsin’s second album. Hopsin said in his press release, “I wanted to show what early wrong decisions can do to youngsters in the long run. I also wanted to show what they can possibly miss out on.” We can definitely see this in his recent song “ill mind of Hopsin 6″, which shows a friend of his being damaged by Crystal Meth, and how it ruined personal relationships with others.

– Trey Anthony


Check out Cover art below:


hopsin 2

Hopsin 3