
Hopsin, Funk Volume’s general, released the video for the sixth installment of his “Ill Mind of Hopsin” series. Never one to shy away from tough topics or controversial opinions, hip hop’s oddest preacher directly confronts the current drug culture. Instead of praising the hallucinogenic effects of LSD or the euphoric feelings produced by Molly, Hopsin decided to show the darker side of narcotics, focusing on his friends overdose.

The video plays out like an episode of E.R. or Intervention. At the beginning of the video, we see Hopsin walking into the I.C.U., where his friend is being attended to by a number of nurses and machines. Shortly after, the California emcee begins to reminisce and long for the days of their childhood. He discloses to the audience that his friend has been addicted to methamphetamine, and not in the cool Breaking Bad kind of way, but a real deal problem. Really attempting to pull on the heart strings, the rest of the video is a compilation of scenes of the pairs childhood, his friend’s descent into dependency on meth, Hopsin shedding alligator tears for his friends demise, and ultimately the untimely death of the young man.

While I agree with some part of the message, I couldn’t really get to into the song. The hook is just not for me I guess, but if you are a fan of Hopsin, you are already use to his unorthodox style and will enjoy this track. Check it out below.



Jimi (@NativeJimi)