Whether you’re into astrology or not, you could always use some extra guidance and sometimes horoscopes can do just that.   With the help of Yahoo.com, here’s the daily overview for each sign. For the extended and detailed day to day, click here.

-Tatiana R.

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10/23 -11/21

November 11th
You generally prefer slow change to sudden upsets, but today you feel the urge to completely change your look or your daily routine. Shake things up.

11/22- 12/21

November 11th
Your social relationships are much more interesting than usual today — so make the most of them! It’s one of those great days when you can feel your network strengthening your position.

12/22 -1/19

November 11th
It’s a good day to make small changes in your life. That could mean eating a little healthier, checking in with an old friend who wants to reconnect or just taking a new route to work.

1/20- 2/18

November 11th
People are easier to sway today — so make sure you’re talking! At least one recalcitrant colleague is likely to come around to your way of thinking.


2/19 – 3/20

November 11th
You have to collect your thoughts today — things are difficult, but you may still need to get organized despite everything else that’s going on. Get some help, if need be, and things should go well for you.


November 11th
Try to just chill out today, as much as you can. You don’t have the right kind of energy to exert your will on the world, but you can at least rest, heal up and get ready for the exciting times to come!

4/20 – 5/20

November 11th
You are feeling somewhat conservative today, but not so much that you can’t see which way the wind is blowing. Still, you need to stand up for some aspect of the past that is worth saving.

5/21 -6/21

November 11th
Your opinions aren’t so deeply held that you need to fight back when they’re questioned — in fact, on a day like today, your potent mental energy helps you to change your mind if the facts warrant it.

6/22 -7/22

November 11th
Are money issues worrying you? If so, try to make sure that you’re addressing them directly today. Your energy may be a bit off-kilter, but that can help you come up with great new ideas.

7/23- 8/22

November 11th
You should be able to devise some killer ideas without trying too hard, so give yourself the time to dream up whatever you need to know. Things are looking up for you and your people!

8/23 – 9/22

November 11th
You need to find a few new ways of organizing your desk or your kitchen or some other part of your life that gets a lot of use. The same old techniques just don’t cut it anymore!

9/23 -10/22

November 11th
It’s a great day for reconnecting with folks you’ve lost touch with — or for leaving grudges and feuds behind you. Your social energy is overwhelmingly positive, and you should make the most of it!