Whether you’re into astrology or not, you could always use some extra guidance and sometimes horoscopes can do just that.   With the help of Yahoo.com, here’s the daily overview for each sign. For the extended and detailed day to day, click here.

-Tatiana R.

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10/23 -11/21

November 25th
You may find it hard to handle a work or school situation — but you need to make sure that you do so anyway. It’s especially important that you keep things quiet and respectable as much as you can.

11/22- 12/21

November 25th
Your terrific energy is making life fun for those around you. Expect to see more smiles than usual around you, if for no other reason than that you’re radiating positivity. Keep it up!

12/22 -1/19

November 25th

This is kind of a hard day for you — but it’s through adversity that you can find meaning in life. Push through whatever obstacles you may run into, then keep pushing ’til you hit it big!


1/20- 2/18

November 25th

You stumble onto something big — but it may be too big for you to take it all in at once. Try your best to focus on the aspects of this situation that best fit with pre-existing plans.

2/19 – 3/20

November 25th
Someone in power is causing some problems today — but all you can really do is placate them. It’s easier than you may realize, but it could take a long time. Get to work early!


November 25th
Your fiery energy is ready for almost anything today — so get ready for some crazy antics! It’s a good day for you to step up and take charge of a situation that has been going nowhere.

4/20 – 5/20

November 25th

You have to deal with someone (or possibly a pet) who is suffering from an attachment disorder. This can manifest in all sorts of ways, but you can handle it with great sympathy


5/21 -6/21

November 25th
It’s a good day to put your big ideas into action — so make sure that you’re keeping busy all day long! Your amazing energy is just right for productivity and entrepreneurship. Great things are possible!

6/22 -7/22

November 25th

Shop around for a loan or big-ticket item that gives you the best deal. You have more time than you realize, and you should be able to feel happy about how it all turns out in the end.


7/23- 8/22

November 25th
You’ve hit a new height, and while you see higher peaks in your future, you may want to relax and enjoy the view from here. Your energy is terrific, and you may find it easy to acquire new fans.

8/23 – 9/22

November 25th
You typically stick to your plans no matter what — but today makes that impossible. A small wrinkle early in the day might throw everything out of order, unless you improvise like a master!

9/23 -10/22

November 25th
Forget about any details that don’t add up — they should make more sense in a few days. You need to concern yourself with big-picture issues, even if your people are all over the place