
If you’ve been living under a rock, over the last year a few states have legalized the use and sale of marijuana. And as result of humans using said product animals including dogs can be exposed to inhalation of smoke or dogs being dogs find food laced with Marijuana and may ingest the product which can lead to hilarious results of dogs being getting high.

Vets around the country are telling stoners to keep their weed away from dogs. The “dogs high on weed” genre have become popular on YouTube. Veterinarians are warning pet owners, that dogs will survive eating marijuana, but it can also be life-threatening to the dog.

Reports are coming from Colorado veterinarians are seeing a rise in dogs be treated for being high. Whether they are eating old roaches, finding a new stash, eating edibles or inhaling second hand smoke from their users. It’s an epidemic!

The end results of dogs getting high, they get red eyes, may be confused and have poor motor function. In that case let’s a take look at dogs getting high.