A Sunday dinner between 2 identity thieves in Florida came to a rude awakening due to their steak pics on Instagram.instagram-crime

Nathaniel Troy Maye and Tiwanna Tenis Thomason were two individuals who were on an undercover IRS agent watch for claiming that he had 700,000 stolen identities to sell; which could be used to file fake tax returns. The couple gave an undercover cop a flash drive containing what was suppose to be 50,000 identities. That meeting linked agents to the name Troy Maye, which was also his Instagram name. The agents working on the case was able to identify the man who gave him the drive as the person in the Instagram photos.

The couple was later arrested at Thomason’s apartment in Florida where 2 flash drives where found containing over 50,000 illegally obtained identities. Thomason, who is free on bond and working as a bartender in Miami pending her July 19 sentencing, cried as she told the judge she had no excuse: “I was foolish, I was stupid.” Maye, who said he organized promotional events and has a prior conviction for wire fraud, will remain locked up.


-Gio (@Gio_ITM )