Whats With All This Riff Raff ? James Franco



Well it looks like James Franco‘s may have really stepped in it this time.  The 35-year-old star of the the new Broadway play “Of Mice and Men” as well as numerous other films including ‘Pineapple Express’ & ‘Spiderman’ apparently recently got caught in the thirst trap  via Instagram, but his scenario was a little more involved than typical.


A 17-year-old Scottish tourist named Lucy  took a video of Franco outside of his new play ‘Of Mice and Men’ , in the video you can see Franco saying “tag me” referring to Instagram’s tagging feature.  She did just that


The two began to talk over IG.James Franco Underage Girl 17 Year Old Instagram Txt Thirst Trap Hoax

James Franco Underage Girl 17 Year Old Instagram Txt Thirst Trap Hoax



Which eventually led to text conversations,oljimpvrpoxmqs8i2gci wbxf8vikq8nt295bw2dythere Franco repeatedly tried to prove his identity.



The meeting apparently never took place, later Lucy posted the screenshotted photos to Imgur, which were later deleted but appear via Gawker.

Earlier today after reports surfaced, Franco took to his Twitter to “respond”

Since the “story” initial broke many have been speculating that the whole thing might in fact an elaborate hoax. What gives this idea the most circumstantial credence is the recent film ‘Palo Alto’. The film was based on stories written by Franco and stars him as a High School coach who has an affair with an underage student.

He also posted this photo to Instragram earlier today celebrating his 1.6 million followers, an odd gesture from someone who’s being accused of potential attempted statutory rape via social media.

While that doesn’t prove this incident is false it does make one wonder if this is just some high level trolling style’d PR setup by an actor who is always looking to prove just how unique and artistic he is.

For reference, listen to this 2013 Howard Stern Interview with James Franco

Stay Tuned for any developments.


Spencer @sjeezs


