Jennie Lamere twitter

If you have any social media feeds going to your smartphone or  desktop you the likely hood of one your followers ruining your favorite show by dropping dimes on the episode you missed.  Well Jennie Lamere has the problem, by creating a new software that blocks spoilers.

Jennie Lamere recently entered the  TVnext Hack competition, who was on the only female to enter the contest. She  created a program that allows users to block any mentions of TV shows on Twitter, though her Google Chrome add-on.  The teenager went up against other teams who came to the competition sponsored by big companies but she came out on top with her add-on called Twivo. All the user has to do is type in the name of the show they want to block and for how long then you and any tweet mentioning the show will not appear on your feed or timeline

The add on seems to be a hit and why wouldn’t it be, a tech company called Furious Minds has a lot of interest in Jennie’s add-on and is looking to market the add-on. Now all you Walking Dead stans can breathe easy no one will ruin your viewing pleasure via Twitter.

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