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Remember when CNN used to be a trusted source for news? When you could tune into the tube and believe the words coming out of a reporter’s mouth during a breaking story? Yea, well those days are long gone. But there is something we can depend on from CNN: being an endless source of Jon Stewart’s ridicule. After the network’s botched reporting on the Boston Marathon bombing, the Daily Show Host has made it his duty to highlight the network’s idiocracy.

Their most recent act of foolery proves they’re not scared to fake anything these days — sources, facts or where they’re reporting from. While covering the high profile trial of Jodi Arias, anchors Nancy Grace and Ashleigh Banfield attempted to fill each other in on the facts of the case by corresponding from remote locations. The catch? The two were literally in the same Phoenix parking lot merely feet away from each other. Watch the ridiculousness below.