
We’re all aware of the stripper myth. You know, the one that says most strippers only strip to pay their way through college or until they’ve made enough to make a life for themselves? Well, for one Nebraska stripper, it’s a straight fact. A federal judge ordered Nebraska cops to fork over $1M they confiscated from a 33 year-old stripper who had saved up the money over the course of her 15-year career.

Tara Mishra, who has been stripping since she was 18, had been putting aside money in hopes of one day creating her own business and stop stripping for good. After amounting $1,074,000, Mishra gave the money over to her friends to open up a nightclub in New Jersey. But when her friends got stopped by Nebraska troopers, they suspected the money — packaged in $10,000 bundles, tied in hairbands and wrapped in plastic — was tied to drugs and was quickly confiscated.

Since only trace amounts of illegal drugs were found on the money, a judge ruled this week that the troopers’ case held no merit.

“The government failed to show a substantial connection between drugs and the money,” U.S. District Judge Joseph Bataillon wrote. “The dog sniff is inconsequential…The court finds the Mishras’ story is credible…Ms. Mishra did have control over the money and directed the Dheris to deliver the money to New Jersey for the purchase of the business.”

You go, girl!