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Kanye West is the latest big name appearing in “Anchorman 2″

Reports have been swirling around the web that Kanye West has been spotted on the set of “Anchorman 2,” filming his cameo for the long-awaited sequel. It has been reported that Kanye West was spotted filming alongside Paul Rudd and Christina Applegate, both reprising their roles, in Downtown Atlanta.

A witness who reported the filming on set stated Kanye was “quite afraid of heights and required an umbrella for shade most of the time he was on the roof.” Not much is known on Mr. West’s exact involvement in the film but like all things related to the G.O.O.D music rapper, all bets are off when he’s involved.

“Anchorman 2″ is set up to be quite the ensemble with Amy Poehler, Tina Fey, Harrison Ford, Nicole Kidman, Liam Neeson all joining alongside the original cast who are reprising their roles.

Ben Lester (bjams11)