child doing homework - child doing homework

Aaron Parfitt was expelled from school for protesting the lack of homework at his school.

Well, it’s a bit more complicated than that. Basically, he gathered a bunch of kids together to protest the teaching quality of his school and used the lack of homework as a rallying point.

In thanks for his diligence and profound academic endeavor they kicked him out of school. Sound stupid? That’s because it is. But he’s not the only one to suffer at the end of a couple of veiny forearms as educators threaten to choke out academic careers all over the place for ridiculous reasons.

Sharing an asthma inhaler

picture inhaler - picture inhaler

Alyssa Mckinney thought her best friend, Breanna Crites was having an asthma attack so she let her use her inhaler. Crites suffered an allergic reaction to the medicine and went to the nurse. The principal found out about it and suspended them both while threatening expulsion for sharing prescription drugs. Though it’s unclear whether the girls were actually expelled, what is clear is that the principal needs to loosen up his underwear a little bit so his balls can breathe. Damn.

Being raped

pensacola christian college school - pensacola christian college school

Beth (not her real name) was dating a man she’d hoped would one day be her husband while attending Pensacola Christian College. This man, whom she’d been dating for several months, called her to a secluded place and raped her. The school expelled her once she reported her story for ‘being a fornicator.’ You’ll see a theme with religious schools, here.