What  makes  a  man  King  Worthy? What makes a woman look at a man and say “I wan’t to be with him FOREVER?”  What qualities must a man possess in order to snag a winner like you? When dating it needs to be established early on what this man wants  out  of  life  as  far  as  marriage,  children  and  career.   It is definitely your job (ladies) to ask questions in the beginning, put it out there and if that man is unsure about what he wants and where he is going, it’s not for you to stick around and hope, pray and wish that he’ll change. He gave you your answer and with that, you need to move on. Not saying for you to bring up marriage on the first date and scare him off, but get to know him before you claim him. And if he doesn’t want the things you want, what’s the point of hanging around?

But many of us stay, trying to make something more of what we actually have.   When  you  have  a  man  that  doesn’t  want  to  be married, doesn’t  want  children and is complacent in his lifestyle, knowing that you want more,  why stay? Why pursue? Why not go after the gold, the real King? Truth of the matter is, some ni**as will forever be soldiers because they don’t have what it takes to be a King. So now what do you do? Do you stick around and try to raise him? Or do we move on. Take into consideration where you are in life emotionally and mentally because a lot of the time women make decisions based on those two things. We settle because we are lonely or heartbroken. We have to stop getting married for the kids, for the money, or for the length of time we been together.  We definitely need to be honest when dating. If you know this man is not husband material, why  bother  if   that’s   what  you’re  hoping  to  get  out  of  the relationship?  What makes a man a King anyway?  That’s what you need to ask yourself before you even begin dating this man, let alone wanting  to  spend  the  rest  of  your  life  with  him. Here are a few things you need to know about this man before crowning him King:

1. What kind of family does he come from and in what way does his upbringing affect him as a man?

2. How long did his other relationships last, what kind of women did he deal with and what caused the break up?

3. Does he have children? If so, how many? What’s his relationship like with them and their mothers?

4. What kind of mother does he have? How do the women in his family view him?

5. Does he have gainful employment?

6. Does he have a history of abuse (any kind)?

7. Is he affectionate, does he know how to communicate with you, how does he react to bad/negative situations?

8. Is he a good example of a man to have your child(ren) around?

9. Does he speak of marriage?

10. What kind of friends does he have?

11. Do you feel comfortable speaking about spirituality with him?

12. In what ways are you compatible with this man?

13. How does he treat you, is he supportive of your goals? Does he inspire you to be a flyer you?

14. Does he carry himself with respect and dignity or are you ashamed of him and have to have pep talks with him before friends and family come around?

15. What means the world to him? Does he have goals? Is he about his business?

16. Can he provide for himself? For you? A family if you guys decided to have one?

17. Is he lazy?  Does he make money or make excuses?

18. Do you feel safe and protected around him?

19. Are you proud of “your man?”

20. What the fuck is he about overall and is it something that you can stand by?

There are so many things to ask and observe before getting into something serious with a man. You cannot change him into what you want him to be.  And if he doesn’t have the qualities that you desire, then you need to move on.  Stop forcing these lame as* ni**as to wear crowns that they haven’t earned.

If a man respects you…he will protect you…which means he will give everything he has to keep you out of harms way mentally, emotionally. Now if your blessed enough to have this kind of man who respects you, protects you and is honest with you, then more than likely this is a man who wants to love you.  And that comes with the territory of you just being you. So in other words don’t rush to buy a house if you don’t have any furniture to put in it!

It takes  more  than  good  dick  and  a  couple  of  dollars  to  keep  a marriage or  any relationship going.  When choosing a mate you have to take certain things into account.  Observe how this man handles money. Let’s say he has a 9-5 and that’s it. If he loses that 9-5, how can he survive? Will he have to lean on you or does he have a savings?  Does he know how to hustle, meaning, outside of his 9-5 is he into other things that helps build his net worth?  Basically,  does  this  man  know  how  to  survive  and eat, because that’s the kind of man you need. When shit gets hectic, you know that your man can get into a number of things and not miss a beat and you guys can continue to eat of course with the help of your salary. How does he deal with his issues? Does he shut down and get distant? Ask questions ladies! Do your homework and know your worth! Now, before you look at that man wondering if he’s king worthy, make sure you have your royalties in check too sweetie. Don’t demand a stay at the royal palace if your crown is missing some jewels. I’m just saying.


-Ayana Ellis

Author & Deputy Editor of Don Diva Magazine

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The post KING ME appeared first on Don Diva Magazine.