
Lionel could be in a messy situation

Rappers aren’t the only people who have trouble paying their taxes. A investigation is taking place in regards to Lionel Messi and his father being accused of tax evasion. Messi and his father have allegedly moved some of Messi’s income through front companies in tax havens. Barcelona’s El Periodico said the tax evasion

“consisted of simulating the assignment of image rights to front companies based in tax havens [Belize, Uruguay] and, at the same time, formalising contracts of licensing, agency or benefit from services between these companies, and other such instruments domiciled in convenient jurisdictions [the UK, Switzerland].

This was done with the intended and successful aim that the incomes would move from countries where the companies or entities were based, to companies domiciled in tax havens, without being submitted to any taxation and, furthermore, with total opacity towards the Spanish Tax Authorities. The beneficiary of these incomes was no other than the person served – Lionel A. Messi.”

The time span of the alleged tax evasion was from 2006-2009. If this is true Messi could be in deep trouble because this doesn’t seem like negligence, it looks like a specific complex plan.

Messi currently makes $41.3 million a year which makes him the 10th highest paid athlete in the world.

– John McAuliffe (@John_Mac310)